Cheaper School Holiday Ideas!
What can I do in the school holidays that's cheap and fun, I often ask myself... So I checked, and it seems it's not just me! So, here's a list of a *few* things that are cheaper that you can enjoy in the school holidays... But we are making this the biggest and bestest (totally made up word by Jesiah, my 6 year old!) list of ideas - so share them in the link (it's at the bottom too) or in the comments and lets make this list together!

Outside Winter Activities
- Go to the snow
- Play with ice in a wheelbarrow or containers left outside
- Go find a frozen pond
- Bring snow, or frost from the car inside.
Inside Activities
- Build Lego
- Do a craft day with the kids - odd bits and recycling count!
- Make messy play
- Put the kids in the bath
- Tidy up and declutter together – make it a game!
- Play dolls houses
- Join a toy library and get something new
- By something on Facebook marketplace or trade me for the kids to enjoy that you could resell at the same or for a bit more at the end of the holidays - choose wisely
- Play dates! Even better if you exchange children for the day !
- Make a inside playhouse/hut
- Big fridge boxes make great play
- Baking
- Rock Painting
- Mr Maker activities!
- At home pamper spa day
- Craft or jewelry making
- Scrap booking
Outside Summer Activities
- Water balloon fights
- Buckets of water, paddling pools, big pool, water in general!
- Go to the beach
- Go to a paddling pool in your town
- Turn on a sprinkler
- Create a vege or flower garden
- Sandpit and water play
Any season outside ideas
- Build a treehouse
- Use a pulley and ropes to hang things from a tree
- Play in the rain
- Jump in muddy puddles!
Out-of-home ideas (i.e. going somewhere)
- Use resources like to buy cheap passes for an activity your kids might like.
- Go to a McDonald's playground, have a frozen drink and let the kids play!
- Go to an indoor playground such as the free ones in some malls to let the little ones play
- Use the resources you have to get cheaper passes if you want to go places - i.e. those who have a child with a disability are eligible for discounts for the child and the caregiver at some places, others have -or have a family member or friend who would let you use it - an entertainment book, at information centres (i-site there are discount vouchers often in the brochures). Use these resources to save if you are wanting to go out somewhere
- Go to the park with a friend and both of your kids so you can chat... And the kids can play.
- Feed the ducks
- Volunteer somewhere in the commuity
- Go to the park or for a walk
- Go to a free or nearly free museum
- Looking for painted rocks
- Rock hunting to paint them or for fun
- Visit friends or family
- Swimming at a local pool
- Local Mall activities
- Local observatory
- Scavenger hunts on walks
- Find animals at a farm park or similar
- Let the kids play (young ones!) with the op shop toys whilst you look!
Older Kid Ideas
- Set a research project for them
- Let them have some time on the iPad, computer or other technology
- Let them choose a TV program they may like to watch
- Help them to set up their own catch ups with friends
- Sleepovers!
What other ideas do you have? Share in the comments below!