Chrisco vs Countdown?

Have you wondered how much more expensive Chrisco would be than Countdown? So did we!
Thanks to Natalie, one of the admins at our Facebook Community, deciding to investigate the prices and share this! It's phenomenal information!
"In February, I embarked on a journey comparing costs for a Chrisco hamper versus purchasing the same or similar items in Countdown. I chose Countdown for a comparison shop as it was great to get the majority of the prices online.
Festive Feast Chicken Hamper:
I chose the Festive Feast Chicken Hamper.
There is a product list on the link above so I printed and scribbled prices from online and then took myself off to the supermarket for some items I couldn’t locate online. There were a few items that aren’t in current range as they are Christmas items so I guesstimated those prices. Where there was a product that Countdown didn’t stock, I priced similar alternative items. I based the pricing on long life prices, not on any current weekly promotions.
I presumed I would find Countdown more economical than Chrisco, but I must admit, I was surprised by the difference.
Chrisco price for this hamper is $795.60 and Countdown came to just over $550. That’s almost $250 difference! If I had purchased everything in the hamper this week, the savings on the specials would have reduced the cost by another $50 approx creating an even larger saving of approx. $300. There were lots of items not on special too. You would be able to save even more if you purchased things over a few weeks when they came up on special during your normal shops!
Chrisco charges $22.10 over 36 weeks for this. If you use the same calculation for Countdown, this would equate to approx $15.50 per week (based on approx. $550). And if you brought it on special, you could find yourself saving $1 a day ALL YEAR LONG!
It really pays to check the numbers!
In case you are interested, there are Christmas clubs at the major supermarkets – see links below. This will help with saving $ per week if you are looking to have extra $ for your Christmas festivities. The added bonus of doing this, you will be able to choose the products you enjoy and look out for weekly specials too. There were a few items in this hamper I personally wouldn’t consume which means I could have saved even more
Most of the Christmas Clubs have bonuses which is AWESOME for the budget!!
Christmas Club's
Countdown - 5% bonus* when you spend your vouchers in December 2017 and January 2018 if vouchers are purchased prior to 1 December 2017
- 6.5% bonus 1 December - 16-28 February 17
- 5.5% bonus 1 March - 31 May 2017
- 4.5% bonus 1 June - 31 August 2017
- 3.5% bonus 1 September - 30 November 2017
- See weblinks for full T&C’s
Other Christmas club’s available with bonuses:
The Warehouse - 5% discount from 1 December - 6 February. Funds only available during this time.